Friday, November 5, 2010

Filefront & Sketchup Links

3d Warehouse Sketchup:

Crysis Objects File:

Crysis Level:

Porosity Lens

Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve

My Porosity Lens aims to show human interaction & movement, when there is an abundance of human activity occurring in an environment. When one finds themselves in an overpopulated area, an increased sense of stress and confusion is felt. Catching public transport during peak hour services is a prime example of this situation - due to the fact that the more people there are in one area, can lead to a higher risk of less fortunate events.

The chosen environment is a train station of a busy city. The documentary, begins with a large crowd of people walking through the station, representing peak hour services. The difficulty of moving around during this time is evident in this scene, as the the camera seems as if he is being pushed around by the commuters.

The idea was sparked from the music video of the audio track which I have used for this documentary. The film clip for "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve shows the singer walking through a busy sidewalk. Not wanting to move aside for the people sharing the path, the singer walks through and shoves other walkers out of the way.

Video Tutorial

The subject of my tutorial is to make to an object move, using the combination of AI and a Proximity Trigger. The reason for my choosing, is that I found that it very difficult to learn how to use proximity triggers and simple video tutorials which showed the basics of the proxy trigger were very hard to find. I got help from fellow students, who showed me how to use proximity triggers, which got me started.

Assumed knowledge for the video tutorial I have created are beginner>basic Crysis skills e.g. creating terrain, beginner flowgraph techniques, and knowledge of how to import custom objects from other applications such as Google Sketchup.

After watching the tutorial, the viewer hopefully, should be able to have a better understanding of using proximity triggers with AI, in turn, being able to invent more complex operations by combining this flowgraph, with other flowgraph nodes.


Make AI follow path tutorial:

Proximity Trigger with lights:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Flowgraph Basics - briefly describes the Sandbox 2 visual scripting system. It includes basic terminology and benefits of using the flowgraph system.

Node Composition - gives a brief introduction on nodes and what is in a node.

Node Reference: Entity Nodes - describes a whole bunch of different entity nodes

Monday, August 30, 2010


Filefront Links and 3d Sketchup Links


Crysis Level -

Objects -


ramp & cube -